We’ve talked, or you’ve heard me talk. You would like to get in touch, find some of my stuff, or work together. That’s the main purpose of this page.
You may have promised to send me an article or a recipe for Palak Paneer, or I may have promised to send you something. Please drop me an e-mail and remind me.
If you are thinking of hiring me to work with you, you may want to head over to LinkedIn and see a long list of things I’ve done.
Get motivated
I never intended to become a motivational speaker. I have never climbed a mountain, ridden on a goat from coast to cost, or saved any lives. Despite this I have been giving my Masterclass on motivation a lot recently (AFRY, Swedbank, Ubisoft, Bona). It really seems to help people, which is a delight to witness.
The masterclass ends with a tour of some strategies you can use when motivation fails you. I wrote these up and had a pamphlet printed (oh I do love physical books and pamphlets).
I can send you a copy within Sweden if you Swish
100 SEK to 0703-631930
Or I can send it internationally for 12 USD paid to the.daviddeleon@gmail through PayPal.
The design feedback handbook
I am currently in the throes of finishing a book on the topic of design feedback. I’m about 95% done and struggling with the final 5%. The final 5% is surely the hardest.
To push me through the final stretch I am starting to talk about the book and to promise things. If you are attending a conference and heard me talk about feedback, or are on this page for other reasons, I would like to offer you a 15% discount on the cover price when the book comes out in 2025.
All you have to do is send me an email with the title “15% discount” and I will let you know when the book has been released (and provide you with a discount code). I will never spam your email and I promise that anything I send will be either useful or funny, or both.
I am also starting to look for podcasts and conferences where I can talk about the gentle art of design feedback (and the upcoming book). Just wanted to let you know.
Photo credit: Ola Nilsson
A couple of years ago I wrote and self-published a cute little book on how to be more creative (a sample chapter can be found here).
I still have some copies left in the lavish limited edition hardback. There is also an inexhaustible digital supply in the Kindle ebook format and as an audiobook (which I recently narrated in my closet).