Online session

The gentle art of design feedback

A 3 hour online session in which you will learn to:

    • Give feedback that makes a difference.
    • Elicit feedback from others that you can actually use.
    • Get around defence mechanisms and navigate difficult social interactions.

Who’s it for?

This is a workshop for anyone involved in design. For anyone who wants to improve the quality of work without offending colleagues or making enemies in the workplace. You may be a designer or in other ways involved with creating and building digital products and services . Perhaps you are user researchers, a developer or a product owner. All will benefit equally.

When and how

Two online sessions for two different time zones:

The 24th of November, at 9–12 PTD (for those keeping West Coast hours).

The 27th of November, at 9–12 CET (for those keeping European hours).

Cost per person is  2,900 SEK (excl. VAT), or 280 USD.

Reserve a seat now by sending an email (there may be proper buttons at some point) and letting me know which sessions you want to attend.

Photo credit: Ola Nilsson

Why should you care?

The time for time-consuming, socially awkward, and barely  useful feedback is over!

In this 3 hour online session you will be given the foundation that you need to  give useful and effective design feedback. You will also  learn how to elicit good feedback and put it to productive use.

In my estimation this will make you 10% better as a designer.

Yes, I made that figure up. But when done right, design feedback can elevate your design projects in ways that are disproportionate to the effort involved. Design feedback is a powerup that will make you and your team more effective and elevate the quality of all your  work.

What you will learn

How do you get good at this? well, it’s much the same approach as learning any other skill:

    • You will first learn some foundational tools and techniques. You will learn how to get the feedback that you need; what to look for when giving feedback to others; and how to say things so that no one gets upset.
    • Your mindset and attitude turn out to be crucial, so I will share some Jedi mind tricks that can make feedback feel different from how you have experienced before.
    • You can get good by just listening to someone or watching YouTube so we will practice these new skills together.
    • As you practice you will get feedback. Yes, feedback on your feedback. This is required to learn anything.

This is what we will do in the time that we have together. In addition, we will take steps to ensure that you remember what you were taught and provide you with means of continuing to get better even after we have parted ways.

Spiderman got his superpower by being bit by a radioactive spider. For you to powerup and learn the superpower that is Design Feedback, all you have to do is sign up and attend this half-day workshop.

Your teacher

Your teacher is David de Léon, a designer with 25 years of academic and industry experience. You can tell by his hair and beard that he has been doing it for a while.

At the start of his industry career David worked a decade for Sony Mobile with design and innovation of mobile phone interfaces. Towards the end of his tenure at Sony he reviewed all the design produced by the UX teams in Sweden, Japan and China. It was then that he became deeply interested in the factors that contribute to effective and impactful design feedback. Since then he has continued to collect tips and tricks and experimented with different approaches to design feedback. He is now in the final stages of writing a book on the topic.